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Birth of a Professional Website
Learn all the cutting-edge nuances of creating an online presence that will both grow and prosper. This exclusive 40-page web book created by Startup Internet Marketing is the compilation of 10 special reports by Shelley Lowery. Grab your copy now - you will not be disappointed. download now
Internet Marketing Basics
If you're not TOTALLY familiar with the BASICS of marketing online then you owe it to yourself to grab AND read this dynamic 39-page report by Shelley Lowery. She discusses the many aspects involved with bringing your business online. Shelley is tops! download now
The "Business Side" of Webmastering
The Webmaster BUSINESS Masters Course by Mark Frank shows Webmasters how to take care of the BUSINESS end of Webmastering. Things like running your business, building it, finances, legals, administration and marketing your business... download now
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
"30 Days To Internet Marketing Success" is taking the net by storm and for good reason. It's been recommended by just about every online guru I've ever heard of and I agree with them totally. The demo features 37 pages of helpful advice that you will refer back to over and over again... download now
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Most free stuff online is trash and not worth downloading! But this is different! It's 101 short, sharp, Mini-Articles to help your online business succeed. Get ready for something that's... all-original, all quality info, and totally Free! download now
Ebooks: A Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
An informative ebook on publishing ebooks with HTML Compilers including tips on ebook design, uploading your ebook, designing your ebook site, creating your download link, promoting ebooks, writing effective sales copy, accepting credit cards, increasing your ebook sales, ebook directory list, tips on including rotating banners in your ebook, plus more tips and resources! download now
Profits: The Truth About Online Sales
Learn the insider secrets to developing a highly profitable web presence including: designing a quality, in-demand product, designing a web site specifically designed to sell your products, writing killer sales copy, how to accept payment through your site, setting up an affiliate program and much more... download now
How To Write, Create, Promote and Sell E-books on the Internet
This book is written by Dirk Dupon, author of the best-selling Web Site and E-zine Promotion Made Easy! It will show you exactly how you too can write, create and sell an E-book on the Web. Dirk wrote this book from his own experience as a successful E-book author and publisher. download now
Newbie Club Guide to the Internet
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Scientific Advertising On The Internet - by Joe Robson
This title may seem familiar to you, but I can assure you that it's far, far superior to any other copy of Scientific Advertising you may have downloaded before. It's the second book in the Newbie Club Guide to the Internet. It will make a great Free Give-away from your Site Visitors. download now
50 E-zine Publishers Interviewed
This E-book contains interviews with some famous -and some not so famous- E-zine or Newsletter Publishers, yours truly included. All the featured publishers have at least 1,000 subscribers, and they reveal how they sign up new subscribers and maintain their list. I believe their answers and tips will be valuable if you want to start up or promote your own E-zine on the Internet. download now
How to Earn a Full-Time Living Online In 2 Easy Steps
There are ONLY 2 things that you need online to earn a full-time living. And, despite what people might want you to think, neither of them are a big secret... Develop your own high-demand product and recruit an army of people to sell your product for you! Everything else will fall into place. download now
Internet Success Ladder
Learn how to earn a full-time living on the internet in 9 easy steps with the "Internet Success Ladder" by Jimmy Brown. If you can follow simple, easy-to-understand instructions, then you can join the 5% of web business owners who are successful. This is a good one folks... I recommend checking it out. download now - (638K)
The Greatest Marketing Secrets of The Ages - by Yanik Silver
You'll find incredible marketing stategies that have proven the test of time. Apply these truly effective techniques to your online marketing and watch your business grow. download now - (312K)
Online Stealth Marketing by Mike Enlow
The Master of Marketing has done it again and his new book is available here. You will not want to miss this one! "Online Stealth Marketing" is a look at the best ways to utilize internet marketing and joint ventures for profit. The book is priced at $49 but for a limited time, you can grab it here FREE! download now - (509K)
Website and E-Zine Promotion Made Easy
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Get The Most From Ezine Advertising
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Using step-by-step, easy to understand reports outlined in this eBook, you could be on your way to a financial freedom, like you have never experienced before. Covers "7 Steps to a Successful Website," "Ezine Marketing Secrets," "9 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic and Link Popularity" and more... download now- (453K)
Webmaster's Hit Kit
There are only three things that determine your success on the Internet: 1) getting qualified hits, 2) supplying your prospects with something of value, and 3) nurturing a relationship with each and every visitor to your site. This book is dedicated to explaining that approach in now- (774K)
Practical DotCom Business
A step by step guide to setting up an on-line business that sells real "in-demand" products to real customers, with no inventory and little or no inventory and little or no start up costs. A practical antidote to the scams, get rich quick and network marketing schemes that dominate internet "business."download now - (537K)
The Articles - by Rick Beneteau
Here's an ebook everyone will enjoy and benefit from. Rick Beneteau, well known for his books, "The Ezine Marketing Machine" and "Branding You and Breaking the Bank," offers you his collection of personal articles in this well-done ebook. These business-building articles have been featured in hundreds of online and print publications. They feature common sense advice written in the warm, friendly style that has made this Canadian entrepreneur so popular. download now - 476K
The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning by Michael Fortin
This popular book is a treatise on Magical Marketing Strategies for creating an endless stream of new, repeat and referral business. Mike shares strategies including: How to brand your firm, products or services so to position them in the mind above your competition; How to change your approach from being merely open for business to being the business of choice; How to develop strategic marketing alliances that send you -- and keep sending you -- quality leads. And much more! download now - (598K)
Search Engine Tactics (ZDNet Editors Pick!)
If you want to know how to submit your site and come up first in the search engines, then you have to read this Free e-book on search engine tactics. download now - (1.2M) - This is a must read for every webmaster!
EzyAds - The Directory of Ezines That Offer Free Ads
'Ezy Ads' gives you complete details for over 200 Ezines that will give you a Free Ad, just for subscribing. You will find a host of useful information about ezine advertising in this ebook and will give you all you need to know about starting your own ezine, where to advertise, exchanging ad's with other ezines, how to get people to join and much more. 'EzyAds' was selling for $19.95 but author Michael Southon is now giving it away free. download now - (1.1M)
Top 10 Ebusinesses for the 21st Century
This book is designed to help you get your creative juices flowing. It covers the current Top 10 online trends that hold the most promise for the next several years, but it does more. It helps you to take an honest look at yourself see where you fit in the picture. download now - (486K)
Small Business Guide to E-Commerce
This Guide is packed with the basic information every small business owner needs to know before jumping into the world of e-commerce. This ebook is a 5-Star Editor's Pick from ZDNet. It is written in plain English with no hype, no advertising, and no recommendations for any particular service. Read it online or download now - 211K
Advanced Marketing Resource Links!
This eBook features an extensive resource listing of sites that provide information, products, and services in the area of Advanced Marketing. download now - 995K
Doing It Totally Free!
An interactive guide. How to Set-up, Host, Advertise, and Maintain a Website using totally FREE internet services. Dennis Bangerter has done a good job with this first in his K.I.S.S. series of ebooks. It's an easy and informative read. download now - 1.2M
The Directory of Low Cost Private Opt in Mailings
This e-book contains a list of ezine publishers who will send out your ad "solo" to their list of subscribers for a small fee. By Kim Skinner download now - 717K
Magic Letters
Create sales letters and web pages that sizzle! The author of this ebook is, in my opinion, the undefeated marketing guru of our time. This ebook shows you exactly how to create throat-grabbing, order-pulling web pages and sales letters that produce results immediately! A step-by-step guide to creating killer sales copy that turns any website from a mere display ad into an automatic money-machine! download now - 473K
Super Marketing Man's Guide To Profit Exploding Web Promotion
This is an excellent guide for newbie and experienced alike. It's filled with good marketing strategies and promotion tactics that will save you time and money. There's a ton of quality resource links included as well. download now - (397K)
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"Your Five Step Path To Creativity!" Increase your creative IQ with this wonderful ebook. It will show you in five easy steps how you too can increase your Creative IQ and enhance you life in general. The steps are simple yet effective. It's just a matter of applying the knowledge presented here. download now - (349K)
Starter Kit Haven Internet Guide for Beginners
If you are new to the Internet or just getting your site up and running - this is definitely a MUST SEE. download now - (301K)
Expose Yourself!
Excellent submission services handbook, offering links to 1000's of services that will submit your link to over 2 million places for free. download now - (287K)
Create & Publish Information Products
Selling information products is easy and profitable. This manual gives you the basics about creating and publishing your own information products. download now - (1.3M)
Write Profitable Classifieds Ads
Here's a great ebook that shows you how to write profitable classifieds ads. The same techniques can be used to create signature files, banner ads, or clickable links for your website. You can get this one free too. download now - (1.0M)
Autoresponder Course
This Power Marketing ebook will teach you how to use the power of Autoresponders to triple your on-line sales, train your downline, and use them for a myriad of on-line communication possibilities. download now - (381K)
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Discover exactly how to put together great press releases that can get you published in the media, and create a stunning avalanche of traffic to your site! Inside you will learn the secrets to getting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of offline advertising free for your business. download now - (308K)
WebTutor- HTML Authoring Tutorials
Here's the best that we've encountered so far when it comes to HTML Tutorials. It's the most complete html tutorial you'll ever need. It is in e-book form, so once you've downloaded it will be very easy for you to make it as a reference material when trying to learn to create beautiful webpages. download now - (1.3M)
Make Money the Ezine Way (by Rick Beneteau)
Fellow Canuck Rick Beneteau is a savvy Internet marketer. He teaches how to turn ezines into powerful marketing and money-making tools with his latest book, "Ezine Marketing Machine," at Get a taste of what it offers by reading his free e-book, "Make Money the Ezine Way." Not Just Another Marketing Book download now - (548K)
The Ultimate Marketing Guide (by E. Almeida)
This eBook is brought to you courtesy of the "Marketing Course Newsletter Network". It is a comprehensive report on promotion and marketing strategies, website design and development and so much more. Don't miss this one! download now - (413K) Highly recommended!
Tags: free marketing ebook
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