The Long-lost "Ancient Secret" to Success
By P.G. Wesu
The ancient secret to success is embodied in what is called the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that appeared on various lists of late antiquity.
Can you list all of the Wonders or name at least one them? No?
The original seven Wonders, notable objects if you will, were built between 3,000 B.C. and 476 A.D. It was the Greeks who originated the idea of making a list of notable objects. But in order to qualify for the list the object had to fulfill two criteria:
- It had to be created (built) by humans not gods.
- It had to be of great size, that is, monumental.
But the Romans, who followed the Greeks, granted credibility to the list by suggesting that it only include beautiful, colossal, and memorable objects that travelers would regard with awe.
The oldest and best preserved of all the ancient Wonders are the Egyptian Pyramids which were built as tombs for the pharaohs.
One of the largest pyramids which stands 450 feet high and occupies 13 square acres at the base is the Great Pyramid. It took decades and thousands of workers, equaling an enormous amount of work-hours, to build.
The other members of the Magnificent Seven were: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus; the statue of Zeus; the Mausoleum at Halicarnusus; the Lighthouse at Alexandria; and the Colossus of Rhodes. All these structures were built by hundreds, sometimes thousands of men laboring for thousands of hours.
The Eighth Wonder of the World
What principle had these ancient civilizations mastered to succeed in building such colossal structures? Or is it a long-lost secret?
In fact, Albert Einstein, who knew something about mathematics, referred to it as the "Eighth Wonder of the World."
Do you care to hazard a guess what it is?
I can tell you, if this principle had not been used these Wonders would have never been built. Its power works the same way today as it has been for thousands of years.
The secret?
- The ancients knew the secret to any successful endeavor
- They multiplied their efforts
- Done not by them but for them!
This principle teaches you never to underestimate the value of little efforts magnified by multiplication the "ancient secret" to success.
About the author: P.G. Wesu is a broker consultant in the cash flow industry.
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